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Students Clup
Awareness raising zoonotic disease activity, LAOHUN Students Club Engagement, National University of Laos (NUoL)

On June 27th, 2023, in the Faculty of Agriculture (Nabong campus), National University of Lao is one of LAOHUN’s University networks, with a strong commitment and desire to prevent zoonotic diseases. The activity occurred with more than 50 participants from 3 faculties under NUoL that were speech opened the ceremony by Mr. Kham Phommachan vice dean of the Faculty of Agriculture. The administration of the activity was conducted under the theme of zoonotic disease prevention. In the morning, students presented their work based on each faculty role, in the afternoon students went to the village to see the farm. The students learned a lot about the LAOHUN project, collaborating on teamwork and solving problems together, which is shown in the students' plays and post discussion at the faculty of Agriculture, the activity was closed ceremony at 17:00 o’clock by Dr. Mee XAIYASONGTHOR representative of LAOHUN.

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