The 10th One Health Bangladesh Conference
Dr. Vipat Kuruchittham, Executive Director of SEAOHUN, was invited to present 'Development of One Health Workforce by University Networks in Southeast Asia' and moderate the panel discussion on 'Inter-professional Workforce Development for Achieving Health Security' at the 10th One Health Bangladesh Conference on 26-28 November 2019. Thank Prof. Meerjady Flora, Director of Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control & Research (IEDCR) and Chair, One Health Coordination Committee, and Prof. Nitish Debnath, Chair of Organizing Committee for the invitation. The conference was successful with participation from various One Health partners in the country and oversea. Dr. Ehtesham Kabir, former SEAOHUN fellow, also participated in the conference. SEAOHUN looks forward to continuing to explore possible areas of collaboration with Bangladesh universities.